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SSC CGL Syllabus 2024- For Tier 1 and Tier 2 Exam 2024

SSC CGL Syllabus 2024- For Tier 1 and Tier 2 Exam

SSC will announce any changes in the exam pattern and syllabus (if any) along with the official notification of the SSC CGL 2024 exam. The Tier-1 Exam of the SSC CGL 2024 exam is scheduled to be conducted in September- October 2024. Candidates who are planning to prepare for the SSC CGL exam have to go through the latest SSC CGL syllabus 2024 and exam pattern to scale their chances in this exam. A fair knowledge of the SSC CGL Syllabus & exam pattern for Tier-I and Tier-II Exam is necessary to prepare effectively for this exam. Let’s understand the Syllabus 2024 for Tier I & II exams based on the latest pattern.

SSC CGL Syllabus 2024

Before beginning any exam preparation, candidates should familiarise themselves with the full and accurate exam pattern as well as the comprehensive SSC CGL syllabus in order to devise a fool-proof plan for achieving high exam scores. This article has covered the syllabus and exam format for each phase. A two-tier recruitment process will be used by the Staff Selection Commission to choose candidates for Combined Graduate Level positions. The SSC CGL 2024 Exam is administered in the following manner at all stages:

Tier Type Mode
Tier – I Objective Multiple Choice Computer-Based (online)
Tier – II (Paper I, II, III) Paper I (Compulsory for all posts),
Paper II for candidates who apply for the posts of Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) in the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation and
Paper III for candidates who apply for the posts of Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer.
Objective Type, Multiple choice questions, except for Module-II of Section-III of Paper-I
Computer-Based (online)

SSC CGL Syllabus 2024 for Tier 1 Exam

Beginning with their preparation, students need to be aware of the Tier-1 exam’s subject-specific syllabus, which is divided into four sections: quantitative aptitude, general intelligence and reasoning, English language, and general awareness. Below is a detailed discussion of the SSC CGL Syllabus 2024 for Tier-1 Exam.

SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Pattern

The nature of the SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam will be qualifying. The Tier 1 Exam will consist of 4 sections, each with 25 questions, in accordance with the SSC CGL Syllabus 2024. The Tier-1 Exam takes sixty minutes to complete, and every wrong answer costs you fifty points. View the Tier-1 Exam Pattern by clicking this link:

Tier 1 Exam Pattern 2024

SNo. Sections No. of Questions Total Marks Time Allotted
1 General Intelligence and Reasoning 25 50 A cumulative time of 60 minutes (1 hour)
2 General Awareness 25 50
3 Quantitative Aptitude 25 50
4 English Comprehension 25 50
Total 100 200

SSC CGL Syllabus 2024 for General Intelligence and Reasoning 

There are topics in both verbal and non-verbal categories on the SSC CGL Syllabus 2024 for General Intelligence and Reasoning. This section will be essential for assessing the applicant’s situational awareness and activity. The following is a list of the subjects that the SSC CGL Syllabus for General Intelligence and Reasoning will cover:

SSC CGL Tier-I syllabus for General Intelligence and Reasoning, including various topics:

  1. Analogies
  2. Similarities and differences
  3. Space visualization
  4. Spatial orientation
  5. Problem-solving
  6. Analysis
  7. Judgment
  8. Blood Relations
  9. Decision making
  10. Visual memory
  11. Discrimination
  12. Observation
  13. Relationship concepts
  14. Arithmetical reasoning
  15. Figural classification
  16. Arithmetic number series
  17. Non-verbal series
  18. Coding and decoding
  19. Statement conclusion
  20. Syllogistic reasoning

These topics encompass a broad range of logical and analytical abilities required for the General Intelligence and Reasoning section of the SSC CGL Tier-I exam.

SSC CGL Syllabus 2024 for General Awareness

The purpose of this section is to assess the candidate’s understanding of general science and knowledge and how they relate to society. Even so, there are a lot of topics covered in this section’s syllabus.

SSC CGL Tier-I syllabus for the General Awareness section, covering various topics:

  1. India and its neighbouring countries, especially pertaining to:
    • History
    • Culture
    • Geography
    • Economic Scene
    • General Policy
    • Scientific Research
  2. Science
  3. Current Affairs
  4. Books and Authors
  5. Sports
  6. Important Schemes
  7. Important Days
  8. Portfolio (related to individuals, organizations, etc.)
  9. People in News
  10. Static GK (General Knowledge about various topics)

This syllabus encompasses a broad spectrum of knowledge, including current events, historical facts, scientific discoveries, and general awareness topics, required for the General Awareness section of the SSC CGL Tier-I exam.

SSC CGL Syllabus 2024 for Quantitative Aptitude

The quantitative aptitude questions on the SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam concentrate on evaluating the candidate’s number sense and appropriate use of numbers. Some of the topics in this section are repeated in Tiers 1 and 2, so be sure to prepare thoroughly in order to save time when you prepare for the same chapters in the future. The following are the subjects that the commission has designated for SSC CGL Quantitative Aptitude:

SSC CGL Tier-I syllabus for Quantitative Aptitude broken down into various topics:

  1. Computation of whole numbers
  2. Decimals
  3. Fractions
  4. Relationships between numbers
  5. Profit and Loss
  6. Discount
  7. Partnership Business
  8. Mixture and Alligation
  9. Time and distance
  10. Time & Work
  11. Percentage
  12. Ratio & Proportion
  13. Square roots
  14. Averages
  15. Interest
  16. Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds
  17. Graphs of Linear Equations
  18. Triangle and its various kinds of centres
  19. Congruence and similarity of triangles
  20. Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles
  21. Triangle
  22. Quadrilaterals
  23. Regular Polygons
  24. Right Prism
  25. Right Circular Cone
  26. Right Circular Cylinder
  27. Sphere
  28. Heights and Distances
  29. Histogram
  30. Frequency polygon
  31. Bar diagram & Pie chart
  32. Hemispheres
  33. Rectangular Parallelepiped
  34. Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base
  35. Trigonometric ratio
  36. Degree and Radian Measures
  37. Standard Identities
  38. Complementary angles

This syllabus covers a wide range of mathematical topics and concepts that candidates need to be familiar with for the Quantitative Aptitude section of the SSC CGL Tier-I exam.

SSC CGL Syllabus 2024 for the English Language

The English section of SSC CGL Tier-1 will be the only one written in English. In addition to having their basic comprehension and writing skills assessed, candidates must answer the exam’s questions in order for their understanding of the material to be evaluated. Candidates who are well-versed in the following subjects will score highly in this section.

SSC CGL Tier-I syllabus for the English Language section, covering various topics:

  1. Idioms and Phrases
  2. One word Substitution
  3. Sentence Correction
  4. Error Spotting
  5. Fill in the Blanks
  6. Spellings Correction
  7. Reading Comprehension
  8. Synonyms-Antonyms
  9. Active Passive
  10. Sentence Rearrangement
  11. Sentence Improvement
  12. Cloze test

These topics encompass a wide range of language skills and comprehension abilities required for the English Language section of the SSC CGL Tier-I exam.

SSC CGL Syllabus 2024 for Tier 2

Organization Name

Post Name

No. of Vacancies

Educational Qualification


Application start date

Application last date

Minimum age limit

Salary Details

Selection process

How to apply

For More Details Refer the Notification

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